Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Dream

So since the last time I was on here my Husband took my wedding rings to get rubies added to each side of the engagement ring diamond. Somewhere between the home and the jeweler he lost them. Yes, you heard me right my husband lost my wedding rings that once belonged to his deceased mother.
So how does one keep from going ape shit over something like this, pick out replacements. sO I was looking online found a random picture of a set of rings and thought if only i could find those. 3 days later I did.

The price Almost made me gag on my drink. for both rings just under $7000. Holy Cow that aint gonna happen oh did I mention the shipping from Ireland. Moving on from those I found a little company here in the states that had a really nice set that I loved just as much but it has rubies in it also which is what I wanted and for both rings in white gold $1700.

Still a little out of reach but until he buys me replacements I can still dream.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Can Finally Say Its Done

We had to move so that is the reason for my absences. It all started Feb 2nd. the heater on the house we were renting went out and it was cold esepcilly at night (yes it gets cold in California). When we called the Management Company and told them we would pay our rent after it was replaced. Two days later they call us back and inform us that the homeowner will not replace it and had fired them as his property management company. We were like what the hell. anyways they also informed us what we already suspected.....The house was in foreclousre. So the seach begins. We looked at dozens of house turned in about a dozen applications but got nothing. Finally we bit the bullet and looked at apartments. we needed one were we could have pets, I dont want to be one of those people that get rid of their pets to soot their needs.
We found a beautiful apartment complex that allows animals (with and additional deposit). So back to apartment living but these apartments are less then a year old and are pretty large. I would say our apartment is compareable to the house we just moved out of as far as size and $300 cheaper a month. After a month of moving i can finally say we are done there are a few boxes that came to the apartment that I need to take to storage but other then that we are done.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Aubrey's New Hairdo

So, Aubrey was walking into the living room and I thought her hair was stuck inside her shirt (a normal thing for her). I called her over so I could fix it and her hair was actually gone.

Her hair was almost waist length and so pretty. This is what she did in the back.

This is the frontview. Her father was not happy at all. He really loves long hair and in the past when I have brought up cutting her hair i got a firm NO. But today there was no choice and I think it looks wonderful.

The after frontview

And the Back I would love to have my hair like this.
This is what I get for cutting Rachel's ringlets off.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Family Photos

So this outting was suppose to be pictures of Aubrey cause her preschool pics are so expensive. But when Jeremy decided to get dressed and get the boys and show up at the photo studio, it turned into family photos. It was so fun and i am glad cause the last family photo we had taken was a month after Jeremy's surgery.

This is Aubrey's Favorite shot of her. And here is Carter.

Kaleb is looking so grown up it is hard to believe in this picture he is only 7. This one the kids really wanted us to get taken and I am glad they did. There arent near enough pictures of just me and Jeremy and I love them so much.

Had to do this just for Rachel. I would like you all to meet what was my coworkers. I dont know how many times i called my mom or sister making monkey noises. I guess none of that now and i am thrilled. I was ticked the other day but today i am content and i think i will try the at home mom thing and maybe a part time job. will see not sure yet.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

So much for being family

Like I have said before I work for my in-laws or should I say worked for my in-laws. Thats right I was laid off today. I have worked here for 2 and a half years I am the most senior office employee, Hell Next to Jeremy and Robby I am 3rd as far as senority in the company. Our Sales Coordinator has been here 2 years and our dispatcher just hired on at full time this week and then our CSR 3 months. So why am I the one laid off thats easy cause I am not really their family. Robby tries to quit they chase him down and give him a raise. Brendon loses his job elsewhere they make up a job for him. So here we are and I am the one getting laid off. Hoepfully I can get unemployment and maybe look for another job. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So I just had to try this I know the clip is short but isn.t he just perfect. I love my nephew. He will be one here in the next few days. how the time flies of course I say that about mine.